and within the body.
As I continue my practice and my training, one of my goals is the undoing of some of the habits I dragged into class with me. Like an old, musty sea-bag stuffed full from years of meandering down backwaters of fear and self-delusion...full of broken tools, tools that simply never worked and perceptions of self that created shadows upon everything.
As we have all experienced at one time or another in our own personal journeys, we may have acknowledged the sea-bag of self doubt and delusion. We may have said, "Look, this old way of living isn't working for me. Holy crap, I need to change things up and pronto!" "Whoa easy Tonto!", I say to myself. Awareness does not necessarily bring about desired change, as we all know. I say 'not necessarily' because I do believe that there are times when a person's awareness can bring about a dramatic and radical shift. But usually, as in my case, it comes along by coming out of the cave, plodding down the path and showing up on the mat. Oh, and then we take what we discovered about ourselves off the mat and into the world at large.
Change occurs at a glacial pace. Water wears down rock, but imperceptibly.
With my awareness focused on breath, movement and intention I can experience a sense of relief and sometimes bliss.The relief comes from cessation of thought. Bliss comes from the physical change happening inside the body: Oxygenation and flow of blood to lungs, limbs and vital organs. This creates a sense of peace and joy.
A surrender to the poetry of body, breath and intention...
Namaste, Friends
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