Monday, September 27, 2010

Yoga Teacher Training: Day 2 & 3 reflection

Welcome back!

#2 My mind was telling me, "Maybe this isn't going to work for you."  That old bully in my head was rattling the cage.
I was not as ebullient nor as centered as I was in the 1st class. Plus, I was fighting a sinus/upper chest ailment so I was feeling rather....poopy.Then a thought occurred to me: I don't have to be 100% all the time. My attitude may falter or I may feel out of sorts but it does not mean I have to  turn my will and my life, or the moment, over to a little rough patch. It always passes. 

The Lesson: I can be NOT okay and still be okay. Okay?

Namaste Friends,


  1. My "hurt" left knee hearts this advice - thanks Steve!

  2. Scottie...yes the knee is a finicky thing!
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