And so the day begins as a sort of mental wrestling match. Then I remember it's Coffee time....that gets me out of those first thoughts. Then the opening of a daily mediation book, or three.
If I can delay my addictive pull towards the laptop, I will then do a little routine of yoga while the coffee brews. Maybe 10 minutes or so. This starts to calm the mind. It is this "cessation of the mind" moment that yoga facilitates so nicely.
This is the "spirituality" I find in yoga. Whatever yoga may bring to someone else, in terms of spirituality, is indeed a private journey. It enables me to be present for new awakenings, understanding and insights to manifest. I am no longer limited by a set of rules, doctrines or someone else's perceptions. It is a living, breathing embodiment of "prayer & meditation" that each of us can tap into and perceive, allowing us to find that undisturbed, infinite, kind & loving place within our hearts that no circumstance, event or person can ever change.
It is there, waiting for us...
It is there, waiting for us...
The physical benefits of yoga are clear and can help make us healthier beings.
But it also has this added benefit of bringing a sense of tranquility to the mind.
This can help to alleviate that "OMG!" moment that is sometimes present, at least for me, as
the sun gently rises, and so I can greet the day, smell the coffee...and feel the peace.
This little routine helps to navigate my thoughts beyond the turbulence and
towards infinite bliss and:
"The Universal, Creative Loving Intelligence That We Cannot
Comprehend, Nor Figure Out But Must Turn Our Will And Life Over
To" guy, or...gal.
Namaste Friends,